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Friday, August 26

OpenSSL Commands for Certificate checks

SSL Checklist for Pentesters

This table accompanies the presentation referenced here. It lists various SSL/TLS checks that can be performed manually with OpenSSL or a browser. Sometimes the column "insecure result" doesn't actually refer to an insecure configuration (for example, it may be a nice-to-have) but this should be clear from the context of the issue or the comments.

Issue Manual check Insecure result Secure result Comments
SSLv2 openssl s_client -ssl2 -connect host:port It connects! It doesn't connect! OpenSSL <1.0.0
SSLv3 openssl s_client -ssl3 -connect host:port It connects! It doesn't connect! Disable to prevent POODLE attack - and it's generally old and creaky anyway - but doing so will stop default instances of IE6 connecting
TLS > v1.0 openssl s_client -tls1_1 -connect host:port
openssl s_client -tls1_2 -connect host:port
It doesn't connect! It connects! OpenSSL >1.0.0
Not insecure if missing but see presentation
Secure renegotiation supported openssl s_client -connect host:port OpenSSL output reports "Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported" OpenSSL output reports "Secure Renegotiation IS supported" OpenSSL >0.9.8l (BackTrack 5 R3 had a patched v0.9.8k that worked)
If it's not supported but client-initiated renegotiation is disabled then it's not an issue
Client-initiated secure renegotiation enabled openssl s_client -connect host:port
Renegotation succeeds at R
HTTP response returned
Renegotiation fails at R OpenSSL >0.9.8l
Add -crlf if HTTP response not returned
DoS attack
Client-initiated insecure renegotiation openssl s_client -connect host:port
Renegotation succeeds at R
HTTP response returned
Renegotiation fails at R OpenSSL <0.9.8l (BackTrack 5 R3 had a patched v0.9.8k that worked)
Add -crlf if HTTP response not returned
CVE-2009-3555 and DoS
Public key size <= 1024-bit openssl s_client -connect host:port OpenSSL output reports "Server public key is " <=1024 " bit" OpenSSL output reports "Server public key is " >1024 " bit"
Invalid certificate chain Use browser (not through proxy) Certificate error No certificate error Is your browser checking for revocation (up the entire chain)? - see presentation
Certificate expired Use browser (not through proxy) Certificate error No certificate error Is your date/time correct?
Certificate with imminent expiry Use browser (not through proxy)
Examine certificate field expiry date
Less than a month to go More than a month to go Obviously not insecure (yet): just for client's information
EV certificate Use browser (not through proxy)
Examine address bar
Address bar not green Address bar green Exactly where the address bar is green depends on the browser
Not insecure if missing
Certificate signed using MD5 or SHA-1 Use browser (not through proxy)
Examine certificate's signature [hash] algorithm field
MD5 or SHA-1 One of the SHA-2 family
Certificate revocation mechanisms Use browser (not through proxy)
Examine certificate CRL and AIA fields
Field missing Both fields populated If AIA field missing, browser may not check CRL
Certificate revoked including upstream chain Use Internet Explorer (not through proxy) with registry change:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WARN_ON_SEC_CERT_REV_FAILED
iexplore.exe=1 (DWORD)
Certificate error No certificate error with no warning about inability to check revocation Opera apparently also does OCSP with CRL fallback for whole chain
OCSP Stapling openssl s_client -status -tlsextdebug -connect site:port Cert status: revoked or unknown (invalid test) Cert status: good RFC2560: good means "the certificate is not revoked, but does not necessarily mean that the certificate was ever issued or that the time at which the response was produced is within the certificate's validity interval"
Certificate subject Use browser (not through proxy)
Examine certificate subject and subject alternative names fields
Mismatch between subject and hostname
Wildcard certificate
Certificate valid for target hostname (with or without www prefix)
No wildcard
Invalid certificate when Server Name Indication (SNI) missing Compare certificate returned from openssl s_client -connect site:port with and without -servername <HOSTNAME> option Invalid certificate returned without -servername option Valid certificate returned without -servername option -ssl3 should show same result as test without -servername
Weak cipher suites openssl s_client -cipher NULL,EXPORT,LOW,3DES -connect site:port Connection succeeds with <128-bit or Triple DES cipher Connection fails If successful, this will only prove that one of possibly many such ciphers is supported: tools are more comprehensive
Use just EXPORT to check for exposure to FREAK
Anonymous cipher suites openssl s_client -cipher aNULL -connect site:port Connection succeeds Connection fails If successful, this will only prove that one of possibly many such ciphers is supported: tools are more comprehensive
Server preference openssl s_client [-ssl2|-ssl3|tls1|tls1_1|tls1_2] -cipher <CIPHERS> -connect site:port
Change the order of CIPHERS to change client preference e.g. DEFAULT:+RC4 will make RC4 ciphers in the default set the least preferred
A preferred cipher will be selected irrespective of client's preference For valid CIPHERS values refer to man ciphers or here or here
Different cipher suites may be supported per protocol
Only insecure if preferred cipher is weak
Cipher suite order recommendations from Mozilla
I wrote a post on this topic here.
Forward Secrecy openssl s_client -cipher EDH,EECDH -connect site:port Unsupported
Supported but not preferred
Supported and preferred OpenSSL >=1.0.0 (later versions will tend to support more ephemeral ciphers)
RC4 openssl s_client -cipher RC4 -connect site:port Connection succeeds Connection fails If successful, this will only prove that one of possibly many such ciphers is supported: tools are more comprehensive
Also check server preference
CRIME openssl s_client -connect site:port OpenSSL output "Compression:" line is not "NONE", e.g. "zlib compression" OpenSSL output "Compression: NONE" Ensure the OpenSSL version in use supports compression: check Client Hello in Wireshark for a list of Compression Methods
CRIME (SPDY) openssl s_client -nextprotoneg NULL -connect site:port
Examine OpenSSL output "Protocols advertised by server"
Protocol list includes SPDY version <4 No "Protocols advertised by server" or line does not include SPDY version <4 SPDY version 4 said to address the problem but not yet released
Heartbeat enabled openssl s_client -tlsextdebug -connect site:port OpenSSL reports "TLS server extension heartbeat" Heartbeat disabled OpenSSL >=1.0.1
Heartbleed Tools only Be wary of buggy tools that report false negatives [thanks to @anantshri]
Some tools are more aggressive than others
If tool relies on OpenSSL then 1.0.1-1.0.1f
Change Cipher Spec (CCS) flaw Tools only If tool relies on OpenSSL then <1.0.1h, <1.0.0m, <0.9.8za
POODLE For SSL, check for SSLv3 (above)
For TLS, refer to this posting
TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV support openssl s_client -ssl3 -fallback_scsv -connect site:port
-ssl3 specifically with POODLE in mind but it's bigger than that
It connects It fails with "inappropriate fallback" alert OpenSSL >=1.0.1j
See my other posts for more info.


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