Steps to import 10.2.4 to 11.3.0 HF 5
-- On 10.2.4
- Renew the Device Certificate.
- Generate the UCS file
- Download the UCS File.
-- On 11.3.0 HF 5
- Import the UCS File
- Ensure, the hostname is same as that of the Old 10.2.4 appliance.
- From command line run the following:
tmsh load sys ucs <ucs file name> no-license
- Check if the installation is successful.
- If not, follow below:
- Ensure the archieve file is still on the new box.
- Login to CLI as root
- run the following commands
cd bigpipe
this will list the available files. Output is similar to below:
[root@testlb:Active:Standalone] bigpipe # ls
base_monitors.conf bigip.conf config_base.conf daemon.conf low_profile_base.conf
bigip_base.conf bigip_local.conf config_base.conf.hardware defaults.scf profile_base.conf
bigip_base.conf.default bigip_sys.conf config_base.conf.virtual gtm_base_monitors.conf
- Now type the following:
/usr/libexec/bigpipe daol
this command will try to install the config and will throw exceptions if any. Correct the bigip.conf (or) bigip_base.conf files to edit the settings and correct the exceptions.
In case if you face error about a pool / node or member. Validate which partition the object belongs to and append /<partition Name>/<Object Name>
For eg: Consider the error
Loading the configuration ...
BIGpipe unknown operation error:
01070151:3: Rule [/Common/testRule] error: Unable to find pool (TestPoolTest0) referenced at line 3: [pool TestPoolTest0]
Now edit the bigip.conf file by : vi bigip.conf
Search for iRule "testRule" and in its definition, append /Test0/ in front of TestPoolTest0.
Upon updaating it looks like
pool /Test0/TestPoolTest0
- These steps should complete the installation process.
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